Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sneak peek of my current henna patterned WIP


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Quick, cheap and simple DIY usherette tray how-to

Hello world,

Today I decided to take a different approach to making a tutorial. My tutorials are usually very image-heavy and so I thought I'd try posting a tutorial as a Pinterest board and see how it comes out.

Check out the link below for my Usherette Tray for less than $10 tutorial! (AKA vendor tray or cigarette girl tray, also popularised by Trixie at the beginning of Rocky Horror) And please do tell me what you think of this new format.

If it works out, I will keep up the Pinterest format as it is much easier to do from my smartphone than building them on Blogger on my phone.

"Science fiction... Double feature... Double feature picture show..."


Friday, August 10, 2012

Wiggly crochet caterpillar/caterpillow?

Hello world,

Just a quick note to share this wiggly crochet critter I've created for a friend's baby shower. Will make a handy companion for the plane trip too I think!


Saturday, July 21, 2012

How To Fix the Dark Shadows that Ruin Great Photos - from How To Geek

This Hello world,

This is a great Photoshop tutorial re: how to fix shadows without affecting midtones and highlights in photos.. Enjoy!

How To Fix the Dark Shadows that Ruin Great Photos - from How To Geek >>

~ Eyespiral

Filet crochet portrait/mural complete! (For a long time now, actually))

Hello world,

Just a quick post to share the final product of my crochet portrait, which I gave to my parents for a christmas present last year.

So here is the final product:

And just FYI, here is the original photo I used as a basis for the pattern:

If you are looking to create something like this, check out my tutorial for creating a filet crochet pattern from a photo >>

~ Eyespiral